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June 25, 2024
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Tuesday, June 25 • 10:00am - 10:15am
How OpenTelemetry Helps Generative AI - Phillip Carter, Honeycomb

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Generative AI has taken the industry by storm. Like it or not, it's here to stay, people are finding use for it, companies are building with it, and it needs help. The biggest challenge with Generative AI is that you can't debug it by stepping through code like you can "normal" software. So, how do you understand when it's working well, when it's not working well, and how to improve it? Observability! In this talk, we'll cover at a high level the problems that Generative AI introduces in production, why Observability matters, and some high level tips for how you can use OpenTelemetry to make progress with this tech. Finally, we'll make mention of the LLMs Semantic Conventions WG and how folks can engage.

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Phillip Carter

Phillip is on the product team at Honeycomb where he works on a bunch of different things, including spearheading Honeycomb's AI efforts. He's an OpenTelemetry maintainer -- chances are if you've read the docs to learn how to use OTel, you've read his words. In a past life, he worked... Read More →

Tuesday June 25, 2024 10:00am - 10:15am PDT
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Attendees (2)